Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Time to Level Up!

How many of us go through life wondering do we belong here? Who genuinely loves and cares about us? Who is in our inner circle? Who will miss us when we are gone? Yes, this post is off to quite the start, but I must share, these are all the thoughts that have been in my mind recently. I fully admit that I wanted to keep it a secret that I was turning 40 last month, yet at the same time felt myself telling everyone?!  I don't know why, but I did. Holy confusing I know. Am I OK with it or not? It's time to make up my mind--so I decided it is time to embrace it and level up.

I would like to equate it to feeling like I hit a new level in my life. A whole new level of my life, that I will navigate using my prior learned lessons. I was (ah hemmm still am) sad to kiss my 30s good bye, but at the same time I feel like if I take a step back and observe my own life from the outside, it's kind of like wondering what the next season will bring.  Just like a television series, there is the wonder of excitement, the unknown that sparks intrigue yet also some fear.  Each year and each decade if we look back, we often realize that major life shifts have happened. We have navigated through the storms, the trials and tribulations but if we are lucky enough, we have loved harder, danced longer, laughed crazier and enjoyed all those other precious moments in between.  

For me, this new decade of turning 40 is truly about leveling up. I vow to focus on the simple and sacred moments that money can't buy.  Because just like any series you watch, you just never know when your favorite character will be off the show, or if new characters come into focus for you to get to know, or even if the entire series has an unexpected series finale.  I want to make sure I experience each moment purposefully.

One of those moments happened for me during my 40th birthday evening with my closest family and friends.  At the party, everyone was handed a white illuminated balloon and each of us tied a wish for ourselves to it.  We released them into the night sky at the same time.  It was a magical moment.  What was also magical was most of my family and friends came up to me afterwards and hugged me, wished me a happy birthday and told me in various ways how much they loved me and how much I have helped them in their lives.  Some even told me that they wouldn't be where they are today if it were not for me and my guidance.

It's ironic because as a little girl, I was always conflicted.  I possessed wisdom beyond my years but didn't understand how I could have the knowledge that I did.  I’ve come a long way since then. It’s not that I didn’t feel loved and cared about before this party, but this night was for ME, my family and friends came to celebrate ME.  The love that I felt surrounding me was a really nice affirmation, that only reconfirms I do belong here and serve a concrete purpose for those in my life. It was the perfect springboard into the next level of my life.

With that being said, I have been thinking a lot about my work advising others. I am leveling up my practice to encompass the more seasoned and confident me.  I have years and thousands of hours of client service behind me.  Experience and time is an extraordinary teacher and I am ready to expand my wisdom.   I have leveled up my own personal growth and know without a doubt that I am living my purpose and concretely help people find and live theirs.  I am ready to live my truth and pass that truth onto others.

I am excited to officially launch my new website! I hope you will visit me there for more information, inspiration and motivation on how I can support you in designing the life that you want. Subscribe to stay in the know on all promotions, workshops and events. (There just may be a little something for you too if you do!)

If you are ready to truly participate in your own life and live each moment for you, level up with me!  I will help guide you to style the life you want, the life you desire, and even more important, the one you deserve.  

You deserve to live a life that is styled for me.

Let’s do it!

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