Wednesday, October 16, 2019

:: Yours Truly, Unplugged ::

I started to look up ways to completely unplug from it all when on vacation. I found a bunch of articles that explain how to unplug from work and truly leave the digital world behind while away and realized that for the first time in my life, I have a unique opportunity.

I can truly, wholeheartedly, unplug. I am in a situation where unfortunately, I am not working. That is stressful enough but if I spin it to the positive, I have a chance at something I have never had before. I am not carrying the stress of getting everything on a task list done before I embark on my tropical journey. I have no one to delegate to. I will not have the Monday blues and apprehension about going back to work. I also won't experience the stress usually associated with what would be waiting for me upon my return. None of it. This is a strange and exhilarating feeling.

Now believe me, I could be in complete panic mode because...well, did I mention the fact that I don’t have a J.O.B? The fear of the unknown will be undoubtedly waiting for me, reminding me of that when I return. But sometimes in life, we are faced with the choice to shut down and agonize over something, or be open and trust the process. I for one, have been trying really hard to continue to trust the process. As a result, I am truly looking forward to embracing my current status and allowing my brain to power down and shut off all the noise usually associated with the nine to five. 

This vacation I plan to be present. Spend quality time with my family. Relax. Refresh. Have fun. Even wing it when it comes to exploring. And while I will certainly be taking photos to capture our memories, my hope is to find the balance between enjoying those picture perfect moments, capturing most of them on camera, while accepting that not every moment is to be shared on the ‘Gram.

So with that, I am looking forward to truly being on vacation...unplugged. Powering down and allowing myself to just be free of any hustle. I'm learning that we sometimes have to give in to the struggles that cross our path, that completely knock us off course, and trust that we are a step closer to the comeback of an even better tomorrow.

Until then...there’s an umbrella drink with my name on it.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

:: The Ritual of Burning Sage ::


I get asked a lot of questions about saging/smudging. The practice of energy clearing with sage and palo santo helps banish negativity and really brings home the good vibes. There’s science behind the spirituality, too: When burned, sage smoke releases ions that change the composition of the air and have been linked to positive mood boosts. In addition to being an excellent stress-reliever, burning sage can be a powerful spiritual ritual and self-care practice.

You may burn sage to cleanse a space or your environment of negative energy, to generate clarity, and to promote healing. Intention is everything with this ritual, so before you light up, ask yourself what you’re trying to purify and/or heal from or release — in your space and in yourself.


Moving into a new home or office space is a perfect time to burn sage in order to clear the previous owner’s energy and set your own intention for the space. However, you can sage your home any time you feel called to, whether you want to energetically reset or just chill out a bit. It is also a good practice to sage after entertaining or having people over.


  • Light one end of the wand bundle 
  • Carefully allow the flame to go out so that the tips of the dried leaves are smoldering slowly, and let the smoke billow up. 
  • You can blow on the end to release more smoke and fan the smolder, but keep your face far away (at least two feet), because it’s typical for little sparks of ash to break off, and you don’t want them flying in your face. 
  • Start to waft around your space and through your different rooms with your intention in mind. 
  • Starting in one corner and “pushing” energy toward the door can be a good way to release bad vibes. 
  • Pay special attention to wafting in corners and near mirrors, as well as high-traffic areas like hallways and doorways. Also, pay extra attention to windows. 
  • Use an abalone shell or other fireproof dish to catch the ashes as you go.
  • After clearing and cleansing, extinguish your sage stick by gently pressing it into the abalone shell or a clay dish, glass bowl or ashtray. You can also allow it to burn out on its own. Some people like to wait 20-30 minutes to allow the sage smoke to reach maximum potency. Then, open any windows and your front door to let all of that stuck energy out.


Now that you’ve cleared the energy and created a new, pure space, infuse it with your own positive thoughts and intentions. Burning palo santo wood is an excellent way to do this; between sage’s cleansing powers and the healing, uplifting properties of palo santo, they really are a complement to each other. Palo santo helps bring forward your intentions and positivity to any space.

So go ahead and light it up!

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