Sunday, March 10, 2019

Holistic Fashionista Magazine | How to Deal with Conflict + Hold onto Your Sanity

Have you always been a believer of setting an intention for your day to keep you focused and grounded on the positive, as well as recording what you are grateful for each evening? That mindset is what I focus on each day, and I still do. What you may find is throughout your day, occurrences, conversations, and interactions may occur to ruin the positive vibe that you’ve got going on. We need a way to stop those interruptions dead in their tracks.

Although this philosophy I’m about to share, may seem to put a little bit of a different spin on that practice, it is necessary to incorporate if you want to learn to deal with conflict and hold onto your sanity and namaste vibe.

This will seem to go against the normal positivity you intend to summon into each day, however you may find that it is necessary when faced with difficult conversations, situations and people, as well as your own thoughts and opinions when the mind wanders to the less positive.
Try practicing as part of your morning ritual to have the mindset of “Not Today”. What do I mean? Let me break it down for you:
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