Monday, May 6, 2019

Holistic Fashionista Magazine Contribution -  7 REASONS WHY PUTTING YOURSELF FIRST ISN’T SELFISH

It’s about high time to put YOU First.

Sounds completely opposite of everything we have been taught growing up, but it’s true.
When you can truly put yourself first, and love yourself unconditionally, not only do you reap the benefits mentally, physically and soulfully…everyone else does too!

Here’s exactly 7 reasons why:

1. You become more giving.

When your mind, body, and soul feel full and content, you end up expecting and wanting less of others. You have filled up your own cup so that it’s full and ready to give to the next person who needs it.

Let’s say your boyfriend is going to be home late after a long and stressful day at work. You’ve spent the evening making your favorite dinner and watching reruns of your fave TV shows. You’ve had plenty of time to put your own stressful day behind you.

Then the BF walks in and he’s grumpy. Work didn’t go well. He’s hungry and wants you to make him a snack because he just wants to collapse on the couch and play video games.

It may seem contradictory but putting yourself first can work wonders in your relationships.

2. Your happiness is contagious.
This saying is a cliché because it’s so true. When you’re around someone who is a Debbie Downer those negative those feelings will start to rub off on you.

The good news is that the same goes for positivity. When you make the time to decompress and recharge, others will feed off those vibes and adjust their moods accordingly.

3. You will motivate others.
When you focus on your self-care, you will start to feel more energized. You will inspire yourself and start thinking of dreams and goals that you want to accomplish. You’ll start to inspire those around you to do the same.

When others see you accomplishing your goals – they’ll start to think maybe they can too. Your self-care can have quite the ripple effect!

Read more here
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