Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Boston Voyager Magazine Interview for Boston's Most Inspiring Stories

Honored to be nominated and interviewed for
 Boston Voyager Magazine! 

Boston's Most Inspiring Stories

If you ever wanted to know more about me and what I do, 
this article captures 'me' very well! 


Monday, April 9, 2018

Change the Game

Change the Game
What you can do when you feel like giving up!

“It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves.”
William Shakespeare

Some days are light, fun and filled with inspiration. Some days are just routine. And on some days, you may feel like just giving up on…
Your new habit of working out or eating healthier.
Your own small business or blog because you haven’t had the results you expected or wanted.
Dating because you can’t seem to find the right person or maybe even have a good date at all.

When you find yourself in these predicaments and feel like just giving up and throwing in the towel…don’t.  It’s what you do in these circumstances that will determine a lot about where your life will go. 

Here are some tips on how to deal with those days and change the game.

1. Keep it Real.
If you read no further than this, it’s ok as this one is SUPER important.
Usually if something sounds too good to be true, it is.  Make sure you have realistic expectations.  Allow for mistakes and failure.  Heck even allow for the disappointment.  It’s ok to be cautiously optimistic.
It’s totally acceptable to have hope, keep the faith and believe that things are going to go your way, but when you keep it real, you are safeguarding yourself from letdown.  You are also preparing for a plan B in the event things don’t go as expected and sometimes, that journey leads you to an even better destination. 

2. Remember your WHY.
It’s easy to lose the big picture in our busy everyday lives. If you feel like giving up, try reconnecting with why you are doing what you are doing in the first place.
Is it to: 
Support and keep your family safe.
Live healthier and longer so you get to watch your kids grow up.
See the world and explore new things.
Write down your why. Then, whenever you feel like giving up pull out that piece of paper with your most powerful why(s). It often helps.

3. Remember: The light will shine through the darkness.
This thought has helped me to hold on when things have felt very difficult and I felt like giving up. I have found it to be true.
When you find yourself at that low point it will force you to change something in how you do things.
But life seems to also always have some kind of balance if you can just keep going. Try to keep taking action instead of giving up-when we keep pushing through, this is when the magic usually happens.

4. It’s ok to readjust or change the path.
When you run into a plateau or a longer rough patch try to learn more, and course correct. Reconnect with the basics and examine how you do things.  Be honest with yourself and admit to what isn’t working.  Try replacing those things and see if things work better, even if it means you have to step out of your comfort zone. 

5. Try something different or something else.
Sometimes it is not time to give up. But it may be time to quit what you are doing and to try something else.
If you feel like giving up or you are bored a lot, if you feel no real passion or excitement on your current path, then ask yourself these two questions:
Am doing this because I truly want it?
Or am I doing it because someone told me to or because so many people around me seem to have done it or are working on it?

What you want isn’t easy to know before you get started though. You may need to try different paths before you find one that fits you. For instance, just because everyone around you seems to love yoga or running, doesn’t mean that you have to love it or that you have to give up on the habit of regular exercise that works better for you. Try a new way of doing what you want and see if it is a better fit and more enjoyable for you.

Stop the negative self-talk and realize that you are your own worst critic.  Don’t expect to be in a judgement-free zone if you are constantly judging yourself and that bar you have set so high for yourself is stressing you out! 

It’s time to change the game and show yourself some love. 


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