Thursday, June 28, 2018

Decompress, Recharge & Take Care of YOU This Summer

Summer is here. And for many of us it’s a time of vacations, a time of being free from school or a slow time at work or in your business. It is synonymous with relaxation and taking a break.  Often times this mentality can also cause unnecessary pressure and stress due to the expectations that everyone is going on a vacation or you are going to blink and the summer will be over with nothing to show for it. 
Now is a good time to focus on taking care of you.  It’s time to unwind, decompress and to recharge. Here are some tips on how to accomplish just that.

Just watch the clouds go by.
It is so easy to get stuck in the mindset that you have to do something pretty much all the time. This can add a lot of unnecessary stress. Why not change things up a bit and try doing nothing at all from time to time this summer.
Just go for a walk in the woods. Sit by the ocean and take it all in. Or lie down in the grass and just watch the clouds go by.
Do only that, savor the moments of summer and feel how the inner tensions flow out of your body and mind.
Don’t go online unless it’s necessary. Try to check your emails once a day. Leave your smartphone at home while you are out in the sun enjoying a book.
You may find that you haven’t missed much by not being available all the time. And discover that your stress levels have dropped quite a bit and it feels easier to fully focus on your family, friends and the moments that you are spending making memories.
Half of 2018 has now gone by and it’s easy to get stuck on focusing on what went wrong or on your own setbacks or mistakes. So take a break from that. Try flipping it around and ask yourself: What can I appreciate about what I did and I accomplished during these 6 months?
It doesn’t always have to be big things. And be sure to appreciate what you did, the effort you put in even if things didn’t go exactly as planned.
Slow it down.
This will also dial your stress down. And, perhaps even more importantly, help you to be in the moment and to fully enjoy all the sights, sounds, smells and people of your summer. Instead of being lost in a memory while life and perhaps something really wonderful is happening right in front of you. In other words…be fully present.
Say no to the ‘shoulds’ of summer.
There are sneaky shoulds in life. They can make a vacation filled with things you “just have to do before the summer is over “and they’ll leave you more tired than you were before your time off even started.  Avoid them and you may find that it makes it easier to simply relax and to say no to doing something because you realize that it just isn’t that important anyway, just to be able to say you did it.
Spend more time doing what you love.
Maybe it’s hanging out at a marina with friends. Or reading books. Or playing with your kids or hanging out with an old friend by a fire.
No matter what it might be, think about how you can fit more of what you love doing into not only your summer, but the rest of your 2018. Think about what you spend your time on during a normal week.
Then find 1-2 things during your regular weeks that you can spend less time on. Or things you can simply say no to so that you have a bit more time and energy over each week during the summer, fall and winter for what you love doing.

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