Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Give + Be Grateful

Move your body. Quiet your mind. Take a deep breath.
Reconnect with your authentic self and find your true purpose.
Someone once said to me, “Life is short, but it is also long.”
You have time to come back to you, and that time is now.
It’s time to give and be grateful.
It’s time to reflect on what you have gratitude for.
It’s time to increase your feelings of self-love, mindfulness and become even more aware of you and all that you have to give and be grateful for.

Why Give and be Grateful?
  • Gratitude motivates contentment. It also improves mood by enhancing feelings of optimism, joy, pleasure, enthusiasm, and other positive emotions. Conversely, gratitude also reduces anxiety and depression. 
  • Gratitude promotes physical health. Did you know that there are studies that suggest gratitude helps to lower blood pressure, strengthen the immune system, reduce symptoms of illness, and make us less bothered by aches and pains? 
  • Gratitude enhances sleep. Grateful people tend to get more sleep each night, spend less time awake before falling asleep, and feel more rested upon awakening. If you want to sleep more soundly, instead of counting sheep count your blessings. 
  • Gratitude strengthens relationships. It makes us feel closer and more connected to others. When we feel and express gratitude for one another we become more satisfied with our relationships. 
  • Gratitude encourages “paying it forward.” Grateful people are generally more helpful, generous of spirit, and compassionate. 
Two specific ways you can practice the skill of being grateful are by writing gratitude letters and making gratitude lists.

A gratitude letter is one you write to someone in your life to express appreciation for ways they have helped you and/or been there for you. Gratitude letters can be about events that have happened in the past or are happening in the present, and often help to strengthen or repair relationships.

A gratitude list consists of writing down 3 – 5 things for which you’re grateful every day, each week, at other intervals, or under situation-specific circumstances.

Try one of these methods and then take notice of how you feel and if your mood has shifted.

Let me know what you experience!

Monday, November 5, 2018

We Could All Use a Little Woo-Woo

If you’re like me, you may find yourself drawn to things that are considered a bit more “woo-woo”. You may pay extra attention when you see the same repeating numbers or have serendipitous encounters with strangers. You could have had a few dreams that manifested into reality, and you firmly believe in the law of attraction. You just may even have a stash of crystals or tarot cards.
However, if you’ve been like me you may have been reluctant to show too much woo-woo to the outside world due to fear of being judged or misunderstood as a freak or simply unprofessional. So, you mask that spirit-junkie side of yourself with what is more widely accepted to satisfy a more professional vibe. However, you may find that you are left needing MORE.
So, if you’ve been like me, I am telling you it is time to come out of the woo-woo closet! There is nothing to be ashamed of and so much more to embrace. Astrology, synchronicities, coincidences, and spiritual tools are totally natural and the more that you are open and accepting of them, the more they will enhance your life. When you start to really pay attention to all that is out there and find that you already know others that are also ‘into’ spiritual sh*t, you learn that you may actually have been doing yourself a disservice by suppressing it.
I am quickly finding that there are a lot more of us out there than you may think! I am learning this through my client base and since coming out of the woo-woo closet-I have attracted many more clients that are like minded-and interested in getting more in tune with their own woo-woo vibe.
I am consciously making my way out of the woo-woo closet and am embracing my inner soul shaker. As a soulprenuer, I am here to serve not only myself, but my clients in every way I possibly can. If that encompasses traditional coaching blended with a dash of intuition, a heaping of crystal therapy and a touch of oracle card guidance-then so be it!
One thing I know wholeheartedly is that just because something is deemed unconventional, doesn’t mean that it doesn’t work.
For example, since delving further recently in crystal therapy I have had an abundance of synchronicities happen that I just can’t explain otherwise.   I am also learning that it is perfectly acceptable to not label myself as a certain type as long as I am continuing to evolve and staying true to my authenticity. I am following what feels divinely right and so ready to share the woo-woo light with you!
I am now offering Crystal Clarity Sessions and offering oracle spreads using a special Oracle deck for creating and staying in tune with your soul’s purpose. 
So, whatever you want to call it - woo-woo, juju, mindset, intention, whatever you need to call it to make it appeal to you, just do it! Open your soul and see all that is possible, I'm not lying to you when I say it is worth it. 
Learn more and book your session at 

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