Thursday, November 9, 2017

Your Life...Styled | Gratitude Challenge

Your Life...Styled | Gratitude Challenge
November is a month that is celebrated for giving thanks and reflecting on all that we are grateful for as we quickly find ourselves in the throes of the hustle and bustle of the holiday season. It is important to be thankful during this time, however more importantly we should practice gratitude daily.  I firmly believe that the simplest and most effortless habit for living a happier life is to take one or a few minutes every day to focus on what you are grateful for in your life.
Last year I posted something similar to this, but this year truly awakened me to the power of being grateful-as hard as it can be at times to find something to be thankful for. For the past year, I have sat down just about every night and wrote out 3 simple things that I was grateful for that day. I simply reflected upon my day and picked 3 things that stood out as something to be appreciative for no matter how small it may seem.
I give myself only ONE line for each item because I want this process to be quick and simple. No explanations or long drawn-out journal entries here… just a short and sweet log of the things that made me happy and appreciative that day.

At first, I had a hard time coming up with 3 items to write down each day. You see, I wasn’t in a gratitude mindset when I first started. Life can be HARD, very hard as I am sure you all know with the challenges you face regularly or from time to time.
Something however that is pretty unexplainable has happened to make me a firm believer in this practice and my perspective has permanently shifted.
First what happened was instead of staring at my 3 blank lines not knowing what to write, I somehow just knew what to write.
You see, by logging my gratitude each day, I began looking for more things to be grateful for. I woke up wondering what things life would put in my path that day that I’d be able to include in my gratitude log that night.

I found myself on a daily search for things to be grateful for, because there were so many things to focus on that were causing me pain. I started to notice all of the things that I had previously been taking for granted.
Do you know what gratitude really does, though?
It squashes your negative mindset. It challenges your thoughts. It changes your behavior. It allows for more positive to be attracted to you.

Keeping a log of all the things you are grateful for slowly conditions your mind to believe (and rightfully so) that you actually have a LOT to be grateful for. It takes all of those negative thoughts like “I don’t have enough _____ (you fill in the blank: time, money, friends, talent, fun) and turns them into positives.
Suddenly you find yourself constantly thinking about the things that are going well in your life. Even if they are super-tiny ones like a warm steamy shower, that hot cup of coffee that smells and tastes so good in the morning, a great new book, a hug.
This practice has shifted my perspective in a much more positive direction. It has granted me the ability to look at life with an abundance mentality, sometimes during the most difficult and trying times, and I know that it will do the same for you!
Don’t just keep the gratitude on the inside. Express it.
Make other people happier too – and help them to perhaps pay it forward later on – by expressing how you are grateful for having them in your life. Plus, their smile and the joy in their eyes when you tell them this will make you happier too.
Now, that gratitude could just be a small sentence. But it can have a big impact on someone’s day, week or even life sometimes.  I believe that we all have reasons to be grateful, some days, weeks and months it is harder than others to truly feel positive and grateful, but I am consciously making an effort to journal what I am grateful for each night before I go to bed.  This helps me keep things in perspective.  I also must stress, if we all get into more of this practice-you never know how your kindness, advice or love can make an impact and be what someone else records in their journal.
What are YOU grateful for? This month, I challenge you to start a life style of expressing gratitude.  
Write down 3 things that you are thankful for every day or evening. Tell the people in your life that you appreciate them.  Show yourself some love.  Enjoy that hot cup of coffee.  
Knowing how this could change your entire perspective on life, I really hope you’ll give it a try. If you accept-let me know!!! There will be something in store for you in return :).
I am grateful for all of you and I am wishing you a wonderful Thanksgiving and holiday season.   


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