Monday, October 9, 2017

Falling HARD for Fall

It’s already October and this can only mean one thing,
AUTUMN IS ON IT’S WAY. Summer’s over and we are back in the “normal” routine of our lives.  I have always loved autumn, it’s not too hot and not yet too cold.  The leaves are turning on the trees and getting ready to fall.  And fall HARD.  Much like most of us do as we start to reflect on the year and our summers that came to another quick end. 
To me, this symbolizes a time that is bittersweet.  The colors of the leaves change, the nights get darker much earlier and depending on your outlook on it, this is a time that can represent barrenness or the preparation for renewal.  I tend to choose the latter. 
To grow, we must release and let go of the dead weight that is holding us back.  This season should serve as a reminder to shed the parts of ourselves that we need to let go of.  We don’t need to completely change, but adjust in order to blossom new ideas, deepen our relationships with ourselves and others and grow into who we are meant to be.
If you’ve made mistakes, forgive yourself and let them go. If you’ve made choices you regret, free yourself of them. If you have even purchased items that no longer serve you, donate them to someone they can serve. Letting go requires us to acknowledge facing the unknown and trusting in ourselves to grow even stronger than we were before.

As you think about the “leaves of yourself” that you are letting go, it is the perfect time to cozy up and comfort yourself in the process with all the delights of the season.

Here are some things I recommend you do to help give yourself support through the process of falling hard this autumn season:

  • Practice positive affirmations 
  • Set aside time each day to decompress and slow down 
  • Wrap yourself up in a cozy sweater or blanket and read for a while 
  • Drink a warm cup of tea, hot chocolate-or pumpkin spice anything, or you know a nice neat whiskey :)  
  • Light a candle and take a relaxing bath (if you’re a mom-don’t forget to lock the door!!!)
  • Cook some favorite Fall inspired comfort food like apple crisp and chili 
  • Sit outside by a fire 
  • Get in the car and take a scenic drive to see the foliage 
  • Catch some z’s early and treat yourself to some much needed restorative rest 
  • Write in a journal about what you are releasing
  • You can take this a step further and write your thoughts down on a piece of paper and then burn them in that outside fire to truly let them go 
  • Create a Vision Board that is themed on renewal and self-care for the season ahead 
What will you do to Fall Hard and take care of you SELFishly?

XO, Gina

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