Friday, October 13, 2017

Healing Your Whole SELF

When diet is wrong, medicine is of no use. When diet is correct, medicine is of no need” – Ayurvedic proverb
I am excited to announce that I am officially a Certified Holistic Nutritionist! Many of my clients come to me for emotional support and advice, however during our sessions there is often a missing piece that I needed. Many clients struggle with health issues and I felt that I needed to have more training and information on how to offer solutions and guidance to support your goals.

I have always recognized that there is no “one size fits all” diet which is going to cure all illnesses. Through my insight and coaching with you, I focus on having a thorough understanding of your personal goals, needs, and lifestyle to create a food and life style that is tailored for YOU.

Let me help you get things back on track not only emotionally but physically as well so you can start thriving, rather than just surviving!


Food has the power to nourish, heal and energize our bodies. As a society, we are no longer truly nourishing ourselves with food, usually because we are too busy to take the time to do so. Instead we opt for pre-packaged and processed “fake foods”, which cause us more harm than we could have ever imagined. To truly heal ourselves, we need to reconnect with real, whole, nutrient-dense foods and eat the way nature intended. 

Four simple food rules:

1. If you can grow it, pick it, hunt it; if it will rot; if it was once alive (plants as well) – eat it. If it is packaged and processed, don’t eat it

2. Food should always be enjoyed – “healthy” does not have to mean “tasteless”

3. Create an awareness and appreciation of how you eat and where the food you eat comes from

4. Choose quality over quantity

Active Life STYLE

Exercise is a form of stress on the body, which means a little can be of huge benefit to your wellbeing, but too much is just as detrimental as none at all. My key exercise principles:

1. Train smarter, not longer, doing a variety of exercises and movements that you enjoy and have fun!

2. Never view exercise as “punishment” for something else
3. Always allow adequate time for rest, recovery and regeneration and incorporate mindfulness in your routine to help with stress and decompression

My Life STYLE Approach

My philosophy is simple: Eat real food! Holistic nutrition addresses the whole person by determining and addressing the underlying causes of your health conditions rather than simply addressing the symptoms.Stress, negativity, lack of sleep and lack of play can undo all of the benefits we obtain from eating well and training smart. It’s true. 

So start being kind to yourSELF (and others) NOW by:
1. Try to get 7-8hrs of sleep each night to allow your body to adequately rejuvenate
2. Incorporate stress management into each and every day, such as meditation, deep breathing or simply going for a 10 minute walk (or sit) outside
3. Play! Do something fun with friends or family on a regular basis that is unrelated to work or exercise

Remember –
Optimal wellness is so much more than simply eating good food, but food is an excellent starting point
  • You can’t out-train a bad diet
  •  Have fun with your new life style approach to wellness
Styling Your Personal Program:

I design personalized nutrition & wellness programs for my clients, who come to me with a variety of concerns such as stress, fatigue, aches and pains, weight gain and weight loss, digestive issues, hormonal balance, infertility, PMS, anxiety & mood swings, or direction with cleansing/detoxing.

My approach focuses on three main areas: nutrition, lifestyle/emotional wellness, and exercise/stress relief. I will design a meal plan, help you uncover hidden food allergies that may be causing some health problems, and aside from what I uncover during the consultation process, I use my insight and training to uncover areas of imbalance, and I’ll recommend various methods to help you achieve optimal health.

You deserve to be SELFishly Styled from the inside out and to live a life that is healthy and vibrant!

If you are interested in a FREE Holistic Nutrition Assessment, Contact Me Today or visit my website,


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